Elden Ring Fans Mourn Nerfed Buildings for OP That Helped the tough Bosses
After nearly three weeks with The game Elden Ring Runes players had discovered a number of highly effective ways to beat it using OP builds to smash challenging bosses like Malenia and other players participating in PVP attacks. FromSoft did not take note and changed certain of the most popular builds in a massive 1.03 patch that went live within a matter of hours. Players will now have to look for alternative strategies for strats based on Mimic Tear, Hoarfrost Stomp and other game-changing items and abilities.
Mimic Tear was by far the most effective. A Spirit Ash summon found in Elden Ring's Eternal City region, it allows players to summon the exact image of themselves, who would then be fighting with them. Because it was able to replicate a player's exact build, but controlled by AI that allowed players to kit themselves out with the strongest gear, invoke the summoning device, then go back to their usual configuration while the duplicate ran amok in front of them disorienting bosses. It became a go-to technique to beat the majority of game's bosses, and even the most difficult, Malenia, Blade of Miquella.
After the latest patch though it appears that there was a drastic reduction in the Mimic Tear summon's damage was significantly reduced. One member of the Elden Ring subreddit who tested it said the nerf was around 50%. However they also said that the copy was a little more intelligent and avoided more. But it's definitely less efficient at launching powerful spells over and over.
Hoarfrost Stomp was another of my favorites. The melee skills found near the Liurnia of the Lakes had both an impressive DPS and damage over an area of effect. Using it repeatedly would also create frost on the enemies. It was a total crowd control system that was perfect for farming enemy spawns and to wreck other players in incursions. Last night's patch nerfed the damage of the machine by a tiniest amount and increased the cast time. "I had it for a mere minute before closing the app and applying the patch," wrote one player. "Didn't even get to use it. Still wrecked people in pvp but not like the one I in a rekt yesterday."
The patch did, thankfully solve a specific flaw players had been playing to destroy PvP. The Deathblight build combines the Eclipse Shotel weapon with the Fire's Deadly Sin incantation to build up the death curse quickly against players in opposition and occasionally trap them in repeating backstab animations. It was reported that the buy Elden Ring Items community was split over whether this was an error or a valid aspect of the game but it's gone.