Search the web according to the criteria we provide so we will know exactly what where and how they write about us. Once we have this information we can respond to it. If someone speaks well and kindly about us it is worth thanking him for it. These are just a few words that will show that our contact with the customer does not end with the purchase and that we are grateful to him for the trust he has placed in us. Unfortunately it will almost certainly happen that they will write about us not only positively but also negatively. Then.
What We must overcome such opinions in a fair fight. If we see a false opinion about our activities on the forum we must enter into a discussion with that person and publicly show that he or she is wrong. In most cases these are Country Email List opinions resulting from frustration and hatred which have no chance against logical and sensible arguments. If we are right we don't have to worry that the Troll will defeat us. But what if we find a negative opinion about our store that is completely justified We agree with the person who wrote it.
And try to learn as much as possible about the situation that led to such an opinion. In a crisis situation you must not bury your head in the sand run away or avoid conversation! No comment is the worst comment and will allow rumors and speculations to exist. If we actually harmed the client and we found out about it only after some time it is compensating him for this harm. A gift from the store will not cost us much and may help improve our image. A person who has been compensated.