Advertising: beginnings Advertising: the current panorama Advertising: a marketing strategy aimed at persuading In a globalized world, standing out among a diversity of options or competitors is an everyday task . This applies both to companies and to those people who carry out an economic activity on their own, and this is where advertising comes into play . Although there are various marketing strategies and persuasion techniques, advertising is one of the most used in the world, because it is adaptable to almost any type of business branch , and practically has results for those who want to use it in order to give Know the products or services you offer.
In order to address this strategy, in Aloha! We will talk to you in depth about what this methodology is , what its types are and a little about its history. What is the publicity? According to the Royal Spanish Academy, it Phone Number List can be defined as follows: Quality or state of public. Set of means that are used to disseminate or spread the news of things or facts. Dissemination of news or advertisements of a commercial nature to attract potential buyers , viewers, users, etc. In this case, the third definition is the one most closely linked to marketing and the one that most pertains to this article.
In more detail, advertising is a communication strategy in which the sender pays to broadcast a message within a certain space - called advertising space -, and in this way be visible to other people in order to attract attention, cause an impact on them and generate a desired action. Generally, said desired action can be purchasing a product or service from the person or company that issues the advertising messages, although it is also expected to generate other types of actions, such as supporting social, political and/or cultural causes, to mention an example. Something that is common is that people use marketing as a synonym for advertising and vice versa , when in reality the second is part of the various aspects of the first.