From 1997 to today From 1997 to 2021 the design has changed a lot lets see the evolution of all the Google logos and try to explain why these choices were made 1996 Back rub logo Before the creation of Google one of its creators had imagined Backrub It was in fact a web crawler that would transform into the Google we know today The logo is very simple the name Backrub in red and an image of Larry Pages left hand 1997 google logo 1997 Its hard to believe but this is Googles first logo You can already see the colors that are present in all the company logos today .
At the time Google was just a research project of Stanford University in the United States Early 1998 Google logo early 1998 A year later Google began designing its own logo using the Baskerville font Note that this logo has the same colors as the current one except that UAE Email List the G is green instead of blue End 1998 Google late 1998 The logo from the end of 1998 is an evolution of the previous one It is in this year that Google decides the colors of the logo which will remain unchanged to this day Additionally the shadow effect appears on the logo to give it some prominence The Google logo is represented with a This was borrowed from the competing search engine.
Yahoo which was gaining popularity at the time 19992010 google logo 19992010 In late 1999 the company decided to change their logo to the one that many of us still have in mind when we think of this brand The Baskerville character was dropped in favor of Catull However designer Ruth Kedar also from Stanford University decided to keep the shading This logo is the longest standing of all the brands logos 2010 Googlelogo20102013 After 11 years the company has decided to make slight changes to its logo to keep up with the times The logo loses its shadows but retains the 3D effect and the letters become more colorful 2013 Googlelogo20132015 The logo retains its typography but no longer features relief