Disney characters are characterized by marking generations. The largest media and entertainment conglomerate in the world began this journey with Mickey and Minnie Mouse, who have positioned themselves as iconic characters who have made history, and they do not stop making it... since now Minnie wears pants. The red dress with white dots will undergo transformations at the hands of a renowned fashion designer, bringing with it a revolution in the way we know this character. Now Minnie wears pants! Minnie is an entertainment reference for millions of boys and girls around the world, however, this character has not always been the one we know today, as it has undergone transformations, both in its animated design and in its costumes. For example, Minnie, like Mickey, went from having black eyes to eyes with lids, from black and white to color.
Likewise , Minnie's outfit has changed, from a black skirt with her petticoat to a white skirt with heels and a hat, and then a skirt with dots (all in grayscale). It must be remembered that the color for Mickey and Minnie was possible until 1935 with the short The Band Concert . On this date Minnie's wardrobe had color: a blue skirt and a bow. In fact, it is estimated that there are nearly 200 dresses in Minnie's closet. The iconic red dress with Telegram Users Number List white dots is what Minnie is identified with, however, this will change, since according to CNN , Minnie wears pants: Mickey's eternal girlfriend leaves the dresses and will wear this garment. Faced with the news, the comments, doubts, applause and criticism have not been long in coming.
Minnie wears pants Minnie's new image will materialize in March when the 30th anniversary of Disneyland Paris is celebrated, and it will also be a way to commemorate International Women's Day. The new wardrobe will be in charge of Stella McCartney, the designer's choice is due to the female leadership of the creative. For Minnie, being present in the world of fashion and with great designers is nothing new, in fact, on the 20th anniversary of Disneyland Paris she wore a dress designed by the Lanvin brand. Now Minnie wears pants, and it is a topic that is awakening passions, both on social networks and on television. Some fans of the little mouse have made reference to the fact that: It is not the first time that Minnie wears pants, since Captain Minnie Mouse was the first to use this garment. Even that look was accompanied by a strategy of empowerment for girls and women.