The end of the process may be an exhibition of works created during creative sessions Era Thanks to school and extracurricular education most of us have some knowledge of artistic styles that have been in force over the years and centuries Referring to the canons of beauty or technology prevailing at a given time creates interesting opportunities for advertising creators An example of a period that often appears as an inspiration in advertising is Impressionism
The YR Paris agency used this trend and its flagship discovery Cell Phone Number List a technique of applying pure spots of color next to each other to advertise Kleoptic products with hyperrealism showed the change that occurs in perception when glass produced by its client is used Instead of a quivering surface made of spots we see a perfectly sharp image a portrait or an object illustration for an article from the monthly
Marketing w Praktyce References to surrealism cubism and popart often appear in advertisements Baroque is also an inspiration The wellknown shoe brand Laboutin has often incorporated its products into still lifes in style reminiscent of th and thcentury Dutch works The author of the photo is Peter Lippmann Epoka is an open formula It is used by Temporary Art Studio which appears on selected dates on the companys premises.