In the case of waterfall development, it is common to first decide on the development schedule along with the functional design. By setting a detailed schedule, you can keep track of your progress. However, in agile development, detailed plans are not made, making it difficult to understand schedules and progress. Because each team repeats development in small units, it is quite possible that they may not be able to grasp the whole thing and find themselves unable to meet the deadline. Methods used in agile development estimation A characteristic of agile development is that it uses a method that is not very familiar to waterfall development.
Here, let's take a look at the typical estimation standards and calculation methods used in agile development. The estimation standard is "story points" A story point is a unit used to estimate the cost required to realize a user story. *User story A representation Special Data of the value that the system being developed provides to users. In agile development, it is used in place of requirements definition. User stories are generally expressed in a template such as "As a <who>, I want to achieve <what> because <why>." Example: As a bank user, I would like to accomplish a direct deposit online. That's because it's a hassle to go out. In other words, estimating using story points can be said to be an estimating method from the user's perspective. Estimates using story points are often compared to general hourly estimates.
is that estimates vary depending on the experience and skills of the estimator. If the person making the estimate and the person implementing the project are different, there may be cases where implementation work cannot be completed as estimated due to differences in sensibilities. Also, when estimating time, it will be difficult to provide an accurate estimate unless the same person is responsible for the estimation and implementation. However, estimating using story points will not yield good results if the estimator just does it somehow. A method called "planning poker" is famous as a method for making accurate estimates.