Free writing is a great exercise to get words on paper, but take the time to organize your thoughts before you hit publish. If your blog is scattered, readers will be less likely to understand the point you’re trying to communicate and they’ll likely lose interest.
Open with an engaging paragraph to draw the reader’s attention. Follow the opening paragrap phone number search oman h by organizing your thoughts into main points to back up your message. Present organized information under headers and conclude with a call to action. Remember your English Composition teacher as he drilled the important of a sound opening thesis to help the reader better engage? Well… that applies to blog posts as well (IMHO).
Format Your Content For Scanning
When your thoughts are organized, your blog can be formatted for easy scanning. As readers click on your blog, they’ll first scan for headings, bullet points, images, and sub-headings. If these topics grab their attention, they’ll likely continue reading the rest of your content.
By formatting your blog for scanning and including images, readers know what information you’re presenting and where to locate what’s important to them; it might different for each reader.
Focus On Quality
An engaging headline and interesting images won’t guarantee success without quality content. Relevant topics engage your readers and providing quality material elevates your status as an expert in your field.