How to realize your dream education is capital, the owner of which is guaranteed to be in demand in the labor market. Having become real, studying in the czech republic gives you a chance to have such capital. Studying in the czech republic after th grade after graduating from th grade, choose the option of studying in the czech republic. You will become a bachelor, master or doctor on a full-time basis by choosing a university of state or private ownership. State educational institutions (there are about thirty of them) offer a wide range of specialties from natural and social sciences to veterinary medicine and law. Study in prague prague is a student city with many young people.
Charles university has been operating since . Having become a member of the association of major european universities, it is not inferior to oxford and the sorbonne. An excellent prospect is studying at the economic institute in prague, which began its history in . Today the university is Web Development Services included in the union of european management schools (cems), which accepts one educational institution per country. Students are proud of the czech technical university, and its graduates work in companies representing global brands. Eminent and regional universities czech technical university (brno), ostrava, palacky university (olomouc), selezsky opava.

How much does it cost to study in the czech republic at public universities? Free if you speak czech. Private universities many disciplines are studied in private institutes and universities in the capital from finance and economics at the banking institute to public administration and european studies at the institute of international relations and public relations. The cost of studying at a private educational institution in the czech republic depends on the chosen specialization. Regional universities also deserve the attention of applicants, for example, the skoda auto university in mlada boleslav or the higher school of logistics in přerov.