Among his justifications, Iglesias alluded to the achievements achieved by Sánchez Mato as the mayor's Finance Councilor. The Community of Madrid for another year in the hands of the PP The purple formation does not fare better in the Community of Madrid, where Podemos was also on the verge of losing representation. Isabel Serra, candidate for Unidas Podemos, finally obtained just over the 5% necessary to have parliamentary representation. The purple formation thus goes from the 27 seats obtained in 2015 to only 7, being the party with the least strength in the Community of Madrid. A loss of 20 seats, which is precisely what Iñigo Errejón obtains.
With a total of 14.7% of the votes, Más Madrid is placed as the fourth party in the Assembly, where the PSOE is positioned as the most voted list. Despite this, the sum does not manage to wrest the Community of Madrid from the PP, which will add another year to the 24 it has already been in power. Errejón, who was one of the key names of Podemos before attending SW Business Directory the Madrid elections for the Carmena party, had precisely some words for the purple party in light of what happened in Madrid. " We can have to make an assessment of the results in Madrid and in other autonomous communities, I hope they don't miss the mark," Errejón highlighted in his speech yesterday after the results, as reported by eldiario.es .
After Iglesias' appearance, the first of the party leadership after yesterday's elections, it seems that some ball has indeed gone out.Well, unlike the rest of the ballots, which will be destroyed in the presence of all attendees once the scrutiny is completed, these ballots, the result of creativity and discontent in equal parts, will be signed, sealed and transported by the Presidency to the Court of Nearest First Instance , along with the ballots linked to a claim. Interviews with voters, always outside the polling station Voters queuing to enter the polling station. The media will only be able to capture the activity of voters on a temporary basis, never focusing on the candidacies they support , with the exception of public figures, of course.