The percentage of people in your network who will come into contact with your post is minimal. This way, you can periodically repeat calls. Even if the same person receives it several times, it's not that annoying, they simply won't access the original content again. Varying the models to make the content unique to each platform (derivation) and repeating the calls periodically are great strategies. Conclusion In short, Ogilvy was a genius. After all, he created the guidelines for quality Advertising, which put the client's
success ahead of everything; that focused on sales but not on prizes; Romania WhatsApp Number who sought results. The creative eclipse, the greed of current models and the enormous strength of advertising platforms have distorted advertising, which is something that, if done well, cannot go wrong. Ogilvy was an internet man before the internet even existed. all the principles and most of the actions proposed by Ogilvy for online work. He was an internet man before the internet even existed.
of his list, Ogilvy says that wasn't all. He said the list applied to most product categories, but was not for everyone. And he ends by saying that Ogilvy & Mather developed different methods for the most diverse industries, but this special information would only be revealed to the agency's clients. This conclusion is the purest and best done Content Marketing. Free and open delivery of useful, original and relevant content to gain authority, respect and admiration.