It has been widely used in offline marketing campaigns. Some target audience examples to help you understand the concept: Marketing managers, 35 to 45 years old, working in companies in the state of New York; Men and women, 30 to 40 years old, middle class, owning dogs; Women, 25 to 35 years old, middle class, interested in DIY (do it yourself). As you can see, a persona’s profile gathers much more information about the people you want to reach.
But why is it so important? 9 Benefits of they have such an impact on the Marketing Cambodia WhatsApp Number Data department, it is natural that buyer personas benefit the business as a whole. Of course, more efficient Marketing strategies expand the company’s reach and enable it to attract more customers, which consequently results in profits. But the introduction of a persona in your strategies brings advantages that go beyond the fulfillment of commercial goals. 1.
Higher ROI The idea behind creating a buyer persona is to facilitate the segmentation of the public so that the brand directs its Marketing and communication efforts to people who have a real possibility of becoming customers. This means not only an increase in profits from sales but also an even greater growth in your ROI. This effect is a result of the increased efficiency of the actions directed toward your audience. The persona serves as a guide to make these efforts in the most accurate way possible, avoiding spending time and resources unnecessarily.