Besides that, they gain enormously in working comfort. This point is not negligible for recruiting the best talents into your team. Digitalization makes it possible to do less hard work and to devote time to managing the most qualified and mature prospects. Your salespeople will certainly make a lot fewer calls, but they will be much more interesting for your turnover. Option You work hand in hand with marketing Implementing new tools is not enough to succeed in your commercial digitalization.
As we have seen, the buyer is now more connected and autonomous in their purchasing Mexico Phone Number Data considerations. The decisionmaker prefers to talk to Google rather than a salesperson. In this situation, prospecting must be done on the Internet and marketing has a key role to play here. Concretely, marketing must implement a digital acquisition strategy in order to attract the attention of the decision maker to your content.
You will therefore reach them from the start of their purchase considerations. This strategy is a lead generation strategy . Marketing attracts qualified visitors to your website and encourages them to leave their contact details to convert them into leads. Marketing then feeds the thoughts of these leads to bring them to maturity via Marketing Automation software . Marketing thus transmits leads to the sales department who are ready to buy. In this way, you respect the wishes of the modern buyer. That of carrying out your purchasing consideration alone and at your own pace mainly on the Internet. The salesperson intervenes at the right time.